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Infection Control 

Infection prevention & infection control practices are in place at Northern Lakes Nursing.

What is considered “Good Infection Control Practices?”

As everyone is aware the COVID-19 Pandemic is over, but it is important to remember, good infection control practices must remain in place such as using hand sanitizer properly, receiving appropriate vaccines, following proper cough and sneeze etiquette, and modifying visitation plans when illness symptoms are present.

Hand Sanitizer

Wash your hands for no less than 20 seconds with soap and water or use Alcohol Based Hand Sanitizer often: 

• After using the restroom
• Before eating.
• After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
• After being in a public area such as a grocery store, physician’s office etc.
• Before & after visiting your loved one

Cough & Sneeze

Follow Proper Cough and Sneeze Etiquette
• Cover your mouth and nose with tissue or your upper sleeve, not your hands.
• Place the used tissue in a waste basket.
• If you can wash your hands with soap & water, if not available use Alcohol Based Hand

CDC Hand Sanitizer guide
cover your cough guide


Get Vaccinated – We encourage “The Vaccine Triple Play.”
• COVID-19 Bivalent Vaccine (one time vaccination)
• Annual Flu Vaccine (September – October)
• Pneumonia Vaccine

Visitation Plans

Modify Visitation Plans
• If you are currently sick with or without a fever, you should consider staying home until your symptoms are resolved. If you must visit you should always
a. Sanitize your hands before entering.
b. Put face mask on
c. Limit your route to the patient room and back out.
d. Avoid contact with other residents and staff.
• If you have a fever, you should not visit until you have gone
a. 24-hours without a fever and without the use of fever reducing medication such as Tylenol.



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